31 May 2024

Growing every day!

 Today was a busy day for the humans, but the pups nursed and slept the day away. Not sure how it's possible - they're cuter every day!

30 May 2024

Puppy love.

Not much happening aside from snuggling and nursing. Tag is a diligent and sweet Mama Dog. Dilly wishes she could be a more involved caretaker, and she misses playtime with Tag, too!

Everyone is gaining weight and the right amount of squeaky! We're excited to see them grow and watch their colors develop. 

Left to Right: Arti [M], Colby [F], Mozz [F], and Bella [F]

28 May 2024

Tag x Bruno, Spring 2024: Litter has arrived!


Tag kept us up through the night with labor and gave us four of the most adorable puppies (3F, 1M) I've ever seen! Everyone is healthy and growing and snuggling and nursing. 

The 5-year-olds in the house (older dog, Tag's mama & our kiddo) can't get enough of their allotted puppy time. Can't wait to post more. For now, everyone needs to catch up on sleep.