22 April 2021


 The theme of today is growing... We took new "photoshoot" photos yesterday and it's amazing how much everyone has grown. They've all gained over 0.5 kg (1 lb) already! Here's the whole litter:

Enjoy these watch-me-grow complication shots...

21 April 2021

Snoozin' away.


We're watching everyone grow, but mostly they just snooze. So sweet!

18 April 2021

First progress towards wobbly steps!

 All the puppies are getting bigger and stronger. We noticed they're each progressing toward trying to walk... we captured a few wobbly steps on video! (Not sure if video is working yet... I'll keep working on the right settings!)

13 April 2021

First photoshoot today!

Everyone is doing great, staying happy and healthy! Today the puppies are 6 days old, and we took some photos of everyone. Enjoy!

Puppy #1 (male) : Aurai Chunky Bleu of Wisco

Puppy #2 (female) : Aurai Smoked Gouda of Wisco

Puppy #3 (female) : Aurai LaClare Evalon of Wisco

Puppy #4 (male) : Aurai Fresh Cheddar Curd of Wisco

11 April 2021

Happy mama, happy babies.

Not much happens around here except snuggles and nursing. We weigh the puppies twice a day, and everyone is gaining weight perfectly. The pups also get visits in the whelping box multiple times a day for snuggles and mandatory ooo-ing and awww-ing. 

I snapped a photo yesterday with them napping in birth order, #1 (m) on the far left and #4 (m) on the far right.

Dilly has been taking a few watchful breaks this weekend. She camped out with me this afternoon while I graded student papers. She has also been quite playful between naps, cleanings, and nursing rounds. It's great to see Dilly (almost) back to her normal energy. She asks to come out for meals now, too. What dog would want to miss sitting next to an eating toddler? 

We hope to settle on registered names soon. It's been a hot debate in our household. While the adults have agreed upon a cheese litter theme (yay Wisconsin!), someone seems to think we should name one Aurora and the other three all Louie. (We currently have a stuffed rabbit, three pie birds, and multiple plastic farm animals named Louie...) Her original plan was to just name them each Dilly Dog Puppy.

I'll leave you with a little puppy love for the evening! 

08 April 2021

Puppies, puppies, puppies, and more puppies!

We are so happy to announce Dilly's puppies have arrived! She delivered four beautiful, healthy, and active pups yesterday: 2 girls and 2 boys! 

The first one needed a bit of help to enter the world, but then everyone else came out in short order! One of the females is solid fawn with white toes and a bit of white chest, looking very much like her mama. The other three puppies are fawn parti color like their papa. And to top off the good news, it was Simon's birthday yesterday, too! Happy birthday to Simon and to the little ones.

Our kiddo has been singing to the puppies and Dilly D. (as she calls her) all day long. They've heard many renditions of Twinkle, Twinkle and Happy Birthday, with a sporadic mix of Hey Jude and some Burl Ives. I'm not sure she cares that they can't hear yet. ;-) So far everything is going by the book: How Puppies Grow by Millicent Selsam. (It's one of our favorites!)

We are so happy to have the pups here. Dilly is relaxed and taking care of them dutifully. 

07 April 2021

Almost there, Dilly!

We think Dilly has started pre-labor, but she's definitely uncomfortable. Looking forward to what's to come... You're doing great, Dilly Dog!